Weightlifting for Dummies*
This is a platform to share the knowledge, ideas and resources that have materialised over the years of competing in weightlifting. From the finest advice passed down by renowned coaches, to silly stuff we had to learn the hard way, its all laid out for you here.
*you almost certainly aren't dumb, but you might just learn something.
*you almost certainly aren't dumb, but you might just learn something.
Becoming fast
To lift weights well, you need to move both barbells and yourself.. quickly. Which is easier said than done, especially with the science based movement seemingly taking over social media. Speed, power and velocity are all fancy terms used to make weightlifting sounds more complicated than it actually is.
So let's simplify it again.
Weight classes in Olympic weightlifting (competition and training)
Fil was at the Welsh Senior Weightlifting competition this past weekend. Aside from winning the competition (low quality flex), one of the main take-aways was that people need to think about weight classes in Olympic Weightlifting more seriously.
There's more to come...
Our aim here is to have a library of posts,
however we aren't exactly writers, so bear with us.
If you have an article that you would like to have featured, give us a message!
Our aim here is to have a library of posts,
however we aren't exactly writers, so bear with us.
If you have an article that you would like to have featured, give us a message!
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* No spam, just the good stuff.